给出一个序列,每次操作将 $[l, r]$ 染上一种颜色 $i$,问最后有多少种颜色。
$n$ 个人来做实验,有 $m$ 个房间,一开始所有人都在 $1$ 号房间里,有两个操作:
永无乡包含 n 座岛,编号从 1 到 n,每座岛都有自己的独一无二的重要度,按照重要度可 以将这 n 座岛排名,名次用 1 到 n 来表示。某些岛之间由巨大的桥连接,通过桥可以从一个岛 到达另一个岛。如果从岛 a 出发经过若干座(含 0 座)桥可以到达岛 b,则称岛 a 和岛 b 是连 通的。现在有两种操作:B x y 表示在岛 x 与岛 y 之间修建一座新桥。Q x k 表示询问当前与岛 x连通的所有岛中第 k 重要的是哪座岛,即所有与岛 x 连通的岛中重要度排名第 k 小的岛是哪 座,请你输出那个岛的编号。
After observing the results of Spy Syndrome, Yash realised the errors of his ways. He now believes that a super spy such as Siddhant can’t use a cipher as basic and ancient as Caesar cipher. After many weeks of observation of Siddhant’s sentences, Yash determined a new cipher technique.
For a given sentence, the cipher is processed as:
Doubleville, a small town in Texas, was attacked by the aliens. They have abducted some of the residents and taken them to the a spaceship orbiting around earth. After some (quite unpleasant) human experiments, the aliens cloned the victims, and released multiple copies of them back in Doubleville. So now it might happen that there are 6 identical person named Hugh F. Bumblebee: the original person and its 5 copies. The Federal Bureau of Unauthorized Cloning (FBUC) charged you with the task of determining how many copies were made from each person. To help you in your task, FBUC have collected a DNA sample from each person. All copies of the same person have the same DNA sequence, and different people have different sequences (we know that there are no identical twins in the town, this is not an issue).
排名系统通常要应付三种请求:上传一条新的得分记录、查询某个玩家的当前排名以及返回某个区段内的排名记录。当某个玩家上传自己最新的得分记录时,他原有的得分记录会被删除。为了减轻服务器负担,在返回某个区段内的排名记录时,最多返回$10$ 条记录。
Farmer John 最近发明了一个游戏,来考验自命不凡的贝茜。游戏开始的时候,FJ会给贝茜一块画着 $N(2 \leq N \leq 200)$ 个不重合的点的木板,其中第 $i$ 个点的横,纵坐标分别为 $X_i$ 和 $Y_i (-1000 \leq X_i, Y_i \leq 1000)$。
第 $1$ 行: 输入 $1$ 个正整数:$N$
第 $2 \cdots N+1$ 行: 第 $i+1$ 行用 $2$ 个用空格隔开的整数 $X_i, Y_i$,描述了点 $i$ 的坐标。
输出 $1$ 个整数,表示贝茜的最大得分,即她能画出的互不平行的直线数。
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